I use Netflix to go on vacation to different countries and experience their culture. I've been to Korea, admiring the role of respect in their society while at the same time being disturbed by their acceptance and embracing of revenge. I then went on to Japan and was taken back by their sense of honor and duty and how it is woven into every thread of the fabric of their ways. After my visit to Japan, I turned to France. Wow!
If by watching Korean films you can ascertain that in their culture the general consensus is; if you break the socially accepted boundaries of respect, then revenge will be visited upon you and be damned if you'll get any sympathy from anyone. And, if by watching Japanese films, you figure that the culture there is; honor is above all, even death, without question. Then by watching French films, you get this about their cultre; life is short with interspersed mandatory nudity and in the end, none of it makes any sense. Oh, and also that at any moment no matter how bizarre, Gerard Depardieu can show up. So watch out!